July 25, 2011

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

What's a blog without photos, right?  All the words in the world won't mean much without a few pretty pictures.  I should have a new photobucket account in the next 48 hours, so I guess my foray into blogging won't happen until mid-week.  I don't appear to be off to a particularly auspicious start...

July 22, 2011

Third Time's the Charm...

Can I officially welcome myself to the blogosphere?  Or is that a little self-indulgent?  After years of stalking following other blogs and two previous attemps at creating a witty blog of my own, I'm going to give it the 'ole college try.  Again.  Not sure where this is going to lead, but it's an adventure that I'm excited to begin.  You know.  In all my spare time...